Travel Day
Travel day started great, but about 15 minutes before we were going to board the plane, Reese got HORRIBLE cramping stomach pains & not-much-fun diapers, if you know what I mean. Poor baby...they would hit him like a freight truck & he would just wail in pain. Called the pediatrician from the airport...was told there was really nothing I could do. Luckily, I overpack for everything & had lots of extra diapers & a few changes of clothes, so at least we were supplied! The plane ride went well with only a few stomach pains, and they went away the next day...but whatever it was sure got him! Austen & Jessie are amazingly good travelers...they're always there to pitch in & help out with anything. Jessie even got Reese to walk on the moving sidewalk by playing a chasing game! And Austen is always offering to take my bags for me...such a gentleman.
Jeff got tagged by security. It NEVER fails...for whatever reason, the kids & I always make it through without having to be searched, but Jeff always, always gets pulled aside. This time, he even got to go through this doorway thingy that blew air all over him (see picture above!)...special treatment I say! I did ask the security guard if it was OK for me to snap a picture of this. I didn't want them to take my camera away for photographing security :)

**More to come...Blogger isn't allowing me to post more pictures...ARRHHHHG!
**It's now a 2nd try to post more pictures & it still won't work. As Reese would say..."What the HECK?"

When we arrived at the hotel, everyone was ready to check out the sights, pools, aquariums, etc. Reese had other plans...

Vacation Day 1
There is a tube ride that goes through a shark tank, and Reese is waiting to see Jessie & Daddy coming down the tube slide. You don't actually swim IN the shark tank, but you're in a clear glass tube that goes through the middle of the tank...

There they are!
On our way to dinner each night, we would pass through the casino which has some amazing glass sculptures. This one is at the end of the casino, & it's about 20 ft. high with white glass sprouting in all directions...looks like ice... Happy Campers in front of the sculpture...

Vacation Day 2

Day Two started with lots of swimming & playing in the different pools. This was one of the few non-saltwater pools, so Jessie liked this pool the best. Austen & Jessie entertained Reese quite a bit up in this water-fort. Lots of water cannons to shoot, ropes to pull, bridges to walk over, slides to go down...

More fun in the water. The temperature was great & the water was warm. Perfect beach vacation!

Dinner at Johnny Rocket's again...I think we ate there every night for dinner. It was a good 15 minute walk (Reese is a big sloooowww) to get there, and the restauraunt was located in the Atlantis Harbor area. Lots of yachts & ourdoor patio type restauraunts with live music. A really neat atmosphere. Austen is enjoying his Cookies & Cream shake, while Jessie chooses Strawberry. Yum!

Walking down the cobblestone pathways back to the hotel. Every night there was a restauraunt that had live musicians. On this night, the guy let Reese come up the his microphone & sing! If you click on the red "x" picture below you'll see a video of Little Man putting on his first concert (turn on your volume). Austen & Jeff were good sports...waiting each night for Reese to get his fill of live music :) I think Jessie & I could have stayed for hours...
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