Having Daddy home during the week has been such a blessing. In years past, he would leave before the sun came up on Monday mornings to fly out of state for work, and would return home late Thursday night. For many, many years, we marched on like drones, and I had convinced myself that it was OK and it wasn't THAT hard. Boy, I didn't know what we were all missing! Jeff stopped traveling for good almost a year ago, and even though he makes one-night trips here and there, we've all found that having Daddy around all the time ROCKS! This summer, now that is has stopped raining so much, the boys have had lots of fun swimming together. Just yesterday, Reese and I came home from CoOp and found Daddy swimming. Reese jumped in, and when I came out, he said "Mommy, go away. It's boy time." I love it that they get Boy Time at any old random time of day now!

Here's Daddy doing his best flying jump into the pool.

So I turned on the garbage disposal, and KLANK, WRRRR, GRIND. What the heck? I pull out a chewed up penny, & Darth Vader's leg. I wonder how on Earth those got in the sink...
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