Pictures of summer things...
Check out the colors on this moth! Hanging out on the wall of the pretty...

Buddy is happy to have all the grasshoppers everywhere. He spends lots of time hopping through the grass & landscaping chasing the hoppers!

Jessie's infamous self portraits...I never tire of finding her pictures on my camera. Such a funny girl!

I rented the Sun Valley Aquatic Center waterpark again this summer, and we had a great turn out. The weather was warm enough so the water felt comfortable, & the kids all had a great time. As you can see below, so did Jeff!

Here's Austen trying to master the Lilly Pad Walk...

Taking a snack break together. Reese was happy to get Cheetos...Mommy says those are strictly a pool snack. Way too messy to eat any other time!!!

Handsome Austen at the pool party. He hadn't planned on joining us, but I'm glad he did. Jessie had two friends come along, so I wasn't able to find them when I had my camera out. I think they were looking for hansome lifeguards....
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